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Data Tribes & Aerospike team up for sustainable real-time data solutions

Data Tribes and Aerospike Join Forces to Deliver Sustainable Real-Time Data Solutions

We are thrilled to have Data Tribes as our first partner in the Netherlands. Their expertise in sustainable data solutions and their dedication to customer support make them an ideal partner for us.
— Andrzej Jasnikowski
AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, April 18, 2023 / -- Data Tribes Inc., a dynamic startup specialising in sustainable data-driven solutions, has announced its partnership with Aerospike, the real-time data platform leader. The Aerospike platform enables organizations to act instantly across billions of transactions while reducing server footprint by up to 80 percent. The multi-cloud platform offers five-nines uptime with globally distributed, strongly consistent data, and powers real-time applications that fight fraud, enable global digital payments, and deliver hyper-personalized user

Data Tribes Inc. is proud to be partnering with Aerospike and providing expert customer support to organisations that choose to adopt the Aerospike platform. The certified professionals at Data Tribes ensure a seamless implementation process, helping organisations reduce their carbon footprint and achieve their sustainability goals, one database at a time. Partnering with Aerospike was a natural choice for us," said Alex Ritter, Founder and CEO of Data Tribes. "Their commitment to innovation, sustainability, and extreme low latency aligns perfectly with our values, and we are excited to work with them to bring sustainable data-driven solutions to organisations across the globe."

Andrzej Jasnikowski, Regional Manager for the Netherlands and Nordics at Aerospike, added, "We are thrilled to have Data Tribes as our first partner in the Netherlands. Their expertise in sustainable data solutions and their dedication to customer support make them an ideal partner for us. We look forward to working together to help organisations achieve their sustainability goals." Contact Data Tribes Inc. today to learn how their partnership with Aerospike can help drive your organisation towards a brighter and more sustainable future.

About Data Tribes
Data Tribes is a dynamic startup from Amsterdam, driven to help organizations with their ESG efforts and create a sustainable impact. We design data platforms and optimise the application of analytics, so our clients can effectively analyse with Business Intelligence (KPIs, dashboards and reports) and predict with Data Science (Machine Learning). Our consultants stand out for their entrepreneurial spirit, curiosity and enthusiasm. Visit for more information.

Alex Ritter
Data Tribes Inc.
+31 6 20010800
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